Here is a “small” article which crosses the border between personal stuff and work but may be useful for many people.
In my current job, making Debian and Ubuntu packages takes me a lot of time.
At the beginning, I used to work on 2 virtual machine with a small pbuilderrc file, but I had the opportunity to work on a more powerful server (4 cores and 4GB of RAM), and I thought it would be useful to merge both machines and finaly have only one building machine.
My building system runs on a Debian Sid, even if I was a long time Ubuntu user, now I use Debian (including on my workstation).
Why choosing Debian Sid ?. Only to be able to install the latest versions of build tools, especially for debootstrap.
It might also work on Debian stable, and Ubuntu (but some points are different)
So let’s begin.
All the commands preceded by a “#” need to be run with the root user, commands preceded by a “$” need to be run with a normal user, without privileges.
Notice : my server is running 64 bits OS, so I can compile 32 and 64 bits packages.
First, we need to install sudo, because as time goes by, I learned the hard way that it’s dangerous to work on packages with the user root because it’s not necessary and also, after some hours of keyboard typing and with tiredness by, we can act like asses and transforming into a “Rage Guy” for the next 5 minutes (or hours).
# aptitude install sudo
Then, we need to change the settings of sudo depending of what we will do with pbuilder.
# visudo
Here is my sudo configuration file :
Defaults env_reset,env_keep=“DIST ARCH CONCURRENCY_LEVEL”
#includedir /etc/sudoers.d
Note the “Defaults” line, which contains instructions for keeping the values of variables DIST, ARCH and CONCURRENCY_LEVEL. Keep those variable name in head, we will use them later.
Now, we will work on the real part of compilation, we will install the tools needed for compilation.
# aptitude install debhelper build-essential dpkg-dev pbuilder devscripts debootstrap
Among those packages, the most remarkable are “pbuilder” and “debootstrap”
The lintian package is also useful, but optional, it tests the Debian Policy conformity of packages.
Now all these tools are installed, we need to configure the pbuilder, with the pbuilderrc file. Since I don’t like to edit the default configuration file (/etc/pbuilderrc), I choose to create the /root/.pbuilderrc file, which here is mine.
# Codenames for Debian suites according to their alias. Update these when
UBUNTU_SUITES=(“natty” “maverick” “lucid” “karmic” “jaunty” “intrepid” “hardy” “gutsy”)
if [ “${DIST}” == “gutsy” ]; then UBUNTU_MIRROR=“” fi if [ “${DIST}” == “intrepid” ]; then UBUNTU_MIRROR=“” fi
if [ -z “${DIST}” ] && [ -r “debian/changelog” ]; then DIST=$(dpkg-parsechangelog | awk ‘/^Distribution: / {print $2}’) # Use the unstable suite for Debian experimental packages. if [ “${DIST}” == “experimental” ]; then DIST=“unstable” fi fi
: ${DIST:="$(lsb_release –short –codename)"}
: ${ARCH:="$(dpkg –print-architecture)"}
NAME="$DIST" if [ -n “${ARCH}” ]; then NAME="$NAME-$ARCH" DEBOOTSTRAPOPTS=("–arch" “$ARCH” “${DEBOOTSTRAPOPTS[@]}”) fi BASETGZ="/var/cache/pbuilder/$NAME-base.tgz" DISTRIBUTION="$DIST" BUILDRESULT="/var/cache/pbuilder/$NAME/result/" APTCACHE="/var/cache/pbuilder/$NAME/aptcache/" BUILDPLACE="/var/cache/pbuilder/build/"
if $(echo ${DEBIAN_SUITES[@]} | grep -q $DIST); then # Debian configuration MIRRORSITE=“http://$DEBIAN_MIRROR/debian/” COMPONENTS=“main contrib non-free” if $(echo “$STABLE_CODENAME stable” | grep -q $DIST); then EXTRAPACKAGES="$EXTRAPACKAGES debian-backports-keyring" OTHERMIRROR="$OTHERMIRROR | deb $STABLE_BACKPORTS_SUITE $COMPONENTS" elif $(echo “$OLD_STABLE_CODENAME stable” | grep -q $DIST); then EXTRAPACKAGES="$EXTRAPACKAGES debian-backports-keyring" OTHERMIRROR="$OTHERMIRROR | deb $OLD_STABLE_BACKPORTS_SUITE $COMPONENTS" elif $(echo “unstable” | grep -q $DIST); then DIST="$UNSTABLE_CODENAME" OTHERMIRROR="$OTHERMIRROR | deb experimental main" fi elif $(echo ${UBUNTU_SUITES[@]} | grep -q $DIST); then # Ubuntu configuration MIRRORSITE=“http://$UBUNTU_MIRROR/ubuntu/” COMPONENTS=“main restricted universe multiverse” v=0 n=0 for i in ${DEBOOTSTRAPOPTS[@]}; do if [ $v -ne 0 ]; then DEBOOTSTRAPOPTS[$n]="/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg" fi if [ $i == “–keyring” ]; then v=1; fi n=$((n+1)) done else echo “Unknown distribution: $DIST” exit 1 fi
To make this installation easier, you can download it from here
However, before jumping in the pbuilder creation of Ubuntu versions, there’s a little thing to do if you are using Debian.
Debootstrap packages from Debian and Ubuntu are different. 1 line differs in the file /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/gutsy. This different can cause trouble, especially under Ubuntu 11.04 “Natty”.
At the line 72 of the file /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/gutsy, add the folllowing line :
ln -nsf . “$TARGET/var/lib/dpkg/info/$ARCH”
Now, we are finally ready.
With this handsome .pbuilderrc, you will just have to type the following ligne to create a 64 bits Debian Squeeze pbuilder :
$ DIST=squeeze ARCH=amd64 sudo pbuilder create
Or a 32 bits Ubuntu Natty pbuilder :
$ DIST=natty ARCH=i386 sudo pbuilder create
But now, you are wondering “Why did he talked about the CONCURRENCY_LEVEL variable ?”.
Here is the answer.
The variable CONCURRENCY_LEVEL is used to run several processes for only one compilation, in other words, for person who use and know make, this variable acts like the “-j” option.
To compile a source package with 4 processes under a 64 bits Debian Squeeze :
$ CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=4 DIST=squeeze ARCH=amd64 sudo pbuilder build paquet.dsc
To compile a source package with 2 processes under a 32 bits Ubuntu Natty 32 bits :
$ CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=2 DIST=natty ARCH=i386 sudo pbuilder build paquet.dsc
Here we are, the build system is up and running.
But knowing that I like to have my own useful functions which help me to automate some tasks, I create a .scripts folder in the home directory of my unprivileged user, and a script called_pbuilder_utils_ which here is the content.
function update_pbuilder() { nprocs=$(grep -cE “^processor” /proc/cpuinfo) dists=$@ for i in $dists; do CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=$nprocs DIST=$i ARCH=i386 sudo pbuilder update CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=$nprocs DIST=$i ARCH=amd64 sudo pbuilder update done } function create_pbuilder() { nprocs=$(grep -cE “^processor” /proc/cpuinfo) dists=$@ for i in $dists; do CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=$nprocs DIST=$i ARCH=i386 sudo pbuilder create CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=$nprocs DIST=$i ARCH=amd64 sudo pbuilder create done } function clean_pbuilder() { nprocs=$(grep -cE “^processor” /proc/cpuinfo) dists=$@ for i in $dists; do CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=$nprocs DIST=$i ARCH=i386 sudo pbuilder –clean CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=$nprocs DIST=$i ARCH=amd64 sudo pbuilder –clean done } function build_pbuilder() { nprocs=$(grep -cE “^processor” /proc/cpuinfo) dsc=$1 shift dists=$@ for i in $dists; do CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=$nprocs DIST=$i ARCH=i386 sudo pbuilder build $dsc CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=$nprocs DIST=$i ARCH=amd64 sudo pbuilder build $dsc done }
In the .bashrc file I added the following line : source ~/.scripts/pbuilder_utils.
From here, it might be a bit raw, but here are explanations :
That’s nearly all.
For the pbuilderrc file given here, I took as base the one given at the following address :
For the remaining things, it’s hair pulling, some hacking and multiples missed tries.
I hope you enjoy reading.